What is QUEM-CHEM about?
The field of nanoplasmonics has attracted a lot of attention over the last years. It is a truly multidisciplinary subject covering atomic, molecular, and solid-state physics, as well as chemistry with applications even in biophotonics or biomedicine.
The distinct interaction between the plasmonic material (the metal), the electric field, and the adjacent molecular system (typically the sample) is not yet understood from a theoretical point of view. Therefore, we strive to find a consistent description of the processes at the interface.
Who is working on the project?
We are a group of (currently) 8 passionate researchers from the fields of physics and chemistry working together to elucidate the light-matter interaction at the metallic-organic interface in silico.
How is the project going?
In our project, there is always something happening. We try to keep track of all the interesting bits and pieces in our small news/blog section; plus some special treats from our members. Feel free to stroll around!